The Materials Community

Jonathan Fisk


Jonathan Fisk
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The Critical Role of Prepreg Tack in Composite Manufacturing

In the world of composite manufacturing, the term "prepreg tack" often surfaces as a pivotal factor dictating the success of automated processes like Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) and Automated Tape Laying (ATL). This seemingly obscure term holds...
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JEC 2024 Tip #3

Tip #3 incoming! Seasoned attendees, have you tried this one? I know I'll be running around so any additional tips on getting around efficiently are 100% needed!
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JEC 2024 Tip #2

Happy Friday everyone! We've got tip #2 ready just in time for the weekend. Seasoned attendees, don't forget to use the comments to add your own insights. See you again soon with Tip #3!
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Duncan Lawrie owns and operates Lawrie Technology, Inc. in Girard, PA specializing in Advanced Composite Materials. In addition to new product development using high performance fibers LTI also provides consulting services in the area of structural optimization, FEA, and a well-equipped mechanical test facility. Having served an engineering apprenticeship on large steam turbines in 1972, Duncan received a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Liverpool University and a MS in aeronautical structures from Cranfield Institute of Technology in the UK. Following four years as a stress analyst with British Aerospace came two years as Chief Engineer with a company building the first Mega-Watt sized wind turbines. Stateside Duncan joined Sundstrand Aviation in Rockford, IL in 1985 working on aircraft electrical power generation, control surface actuators, auxiliary power units, and ram air turbines. In 1988 Duncan joined Lord Corporation in Erie, PA as department manager responsible for new product development using advanced materials. In 1992 Lawrie Technology was formed and as a first product developed and built the rotating equipment used for the first time to separate iron ore tailings in clean-up operations around the world. Sold in eight different countries through an Erie based OEM over one billion tons of ore were recovered in nine years. Proprietary technology developed at LTI has benefited greatly from five phase I Small Business Innovation Research contracts all of which resulted in phase II awards. Most recently Lawrie Technology, Inc. has developed carbon fiber wireline technology for both the oil industry and the US Navy. Current focus is on magnet retention for the latest generation of power-dense electric motors. Duncan has also combined design and analysis skills with athletic endeavor – beating the human powered road vehicle world record holder in Amsterdam in 1984 at 52 mph on the level with no wind. He also built and flew a human powered aircraft – currently housed in the Scottish Museum of flight – and was a founding member of the Kremer Prize Committee responsible for the Cross channel flight of the Gossamer Albatross in 1981.

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📢 Calling all opportunity seekers in the materials space!

Meeting on Thursday the 17th of August at 10 am CT, the Opportunity Nexus Channel will be hosting ✨ LIVE Insight w/ @AdamHarms ✨. ❓What will we be talking about and how long will it run❓ 🔑 For 30 minutes you'll have the opportunity to connect,...
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How to get the most out of Opportunity Nexus

Welcome to our new community channel, Opportunity Nexus! Here's a quick overview of how to get the most out of it.
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Managing Composites


Managing Composites


We make composites' design and manufacturing easy

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You Don’t Realize How Inefficient Combustion Engines are.

Forbes Article James Morris Contributor One of the most frequent focuses of discussion between electric vehicle adopters and their critics is range. The usual argument is that fossil fuel vehicles can do 700 miles between refuels and take five...
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Jonathan Fisk@JonathanF
Jonathan Fisk
This is a highly inaccurate comparison. Batteries just store energy that was generated somewhere else, IC engines convert the potential energy in petrol or diesel by burning it. If you want to compare efficiency, you have to take the conversion efficiency of generating the electricity and transmitting it to the charger into account as well. This can vary tremendously depending on how the electricity is generated; solar, nuclear and coal have very different efficiencies and emissions. I'm sure the EV is still more efficient, but the difference won't be as dramatic.
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Modulus Members Launch New Venture to Address PFAS

Modulus members Steve Wilcenski and Jason Taylor are utilizing Boron Nitride NanoBarb™ technologies from their first venture; BNNano, into a new venture Invicta Water focused on water purification and remediation. There is an urgent and immediate...
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Welcome new Modulus members!

I live in an 84 year old Craftsman house in San Diego. In our garage, a former resident built a creative nuts & bolts storage system using baby food jars. I thought the community might find this as interesting and fun as I do! On that note, let's...
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